The results indicate that: ( 1) the optimal degree of governmental intervention during policy regulation period should be reduced gradually; 研究结果:(1)政策调控周期内最优干预力度应逐渐减小;
Many factors, including historical, geographical and realistic factors, lead to the result. However, intervention policy is the most important cause. 造成这种状况是历史的、地理的和现实的多方面因素作用的结果,但是干预政策则是最重要的原因。
Such differences imply regular aerobic exercise is a long-term intervention policy in prevention CHD. 这种差异意味着规律性的参加有氧运动锻炼是预防冠心病的一项长期干预措施。
The State Intervention and Society Policy under Financial Crisis Background 金融危机背景下的国家干预与社会政策
"The autonomy that was envisaged for AIIMS, with minimal government intervention in policy, has long been shelved," notes Tandon, who is a former president of the Indian National Science Academy. Tandon曾经担任印度科学院的院长,他指出:“全印度医学科学院基本不受政府政策干涉的自治权,长久以来没有得到实现”。
Analysis of Output Effect of Chinese Grain Intervention Policy 中国粮食财政干预政策产出效应分析
After two wars, emphasized the state intervention economic policy the Keynes principle becomes the Western very many country formulation economic policy the rationale. 二战争以后,强调国家干预经济政策的凯恩斯主义成为西方很多国家制定经济政策的理论基础。
Accordingly, it is our necessity to cultivate the spirit of entrepreneur and technological innovation, to enforce talent engineering, to strive for wide-ranging financial support, to open entries of industrial clusters and to stick to the aiding without intervention policy of the government. 因此湖北省民营科技企业的发展需要培养企业家精神、技术创新意识、实施人才工程、多层次的金融支持、鼓励企业进入产业集群及政府的扶持。
Strategic trade policy, a kind of government intervention, which is on the basis of new trade theory, is different from the government intervention policy on the basis of traditional trade theory. 战略性贸易政策是以新贸易理论为基础的政府干预贸易的政策。它与以传统贸易理论为基础的政府干预政策不同。
Cost-effectiveness Analysis on "Stroke Predict-strengthen Intervention" Primary Intervention Policy in Nanhui County of Shanghai 上海市南汇区脑卒中干预策略的成本-效果和成本-效益分析
And the British agents in Egypt were the advocates and executors of the intervention policy. 此外,内阁中的大部分成员也以各种理由支持对埃及采取干涉政策。
Have come up with some analyzing suggestions for the adjustment of the current intervention policy of government. 对政府现行的干预政策的调整进行了分析并提出了相应的建议。
In its modern history, the state intervention policy of the Germany not only promoted the fast growth in economy, but also brought up the modern country. 近代德国的国家干预政策不仅推动了经济的快速增长,而且造就了现代意义上的整个德意志国家。
[ Objective] To grasp the diseases characteristic of urban residents and supply data to related departments for making health intervention policy. [目的]了解城市居民患病特点,为有关部门制定健康干预政策提供数据支持。
Hotel industry was very flourishing In Tang-Song Period, for the purpose of protecting the normal social economy, political order and increasing their gains, the governments implemented an intervention policy. They intervened in various ways. 唐宋时期旅馆业空前繁荣,政府出于维护社会政治、经济秩序以及增加政府收入的目的,对旅馆业实施了干预。
Intervention Foreign Policy of Britain in Central Asia and Influence During Soviet Russia 苏俄时期英国对中亚的干涉外交及其影响
To realize the balanced development of education, we should begin with the intervention of policy orientation and state power, expanding and configuring the gross of educational resource, trying to realize the healthy development of education itself. 实现教育均衡发展,必须从政策导向、国家权力的介入入手,扩大教育资源总量并合理配置,尽力实现教育自身的健康发展。
The nosocomial infection caused by CRAB had poor prognosis. Effective infection control measure and antimicrobial intervention policy should be conducted in order to control the outbreak of CRAB. CRAB株引起的感染预后差,必须采取有效的感染控制措施和抗菌药物的干预政策以控制耐药株的传播。
Since 1990, the unite states has adopted intervention trade policy at multilateral level, at regional level and at bilateral level in order to expand its market for its advantage industries. 1990年代以来,美国对外贸易政策形成了以扩大其优势产业国际市场为主要政策目标的干预贸易主义政策。
The 20th century, 70 years later, accompanied by government economic intervention policy of the failure of Keynesian under suspicion and attack, neo-liberalism once again rise, and replaced Keynesianism as the Western mainstream economic thinking. 20世纪70年代以后,伴随着政府对经济干预政策的失效,凯恩斯主义受到怀疑和攻击,新自由主义再度勃兴,并取代凯恩斯主义成为西方主流经济思潮。
U.S. government take the active intervention policy in Korean Peninsula. 因此,在朝鲜半岛,美国采取了积极干预的政策。
Second, the intervention policy of the government to the financial market and the maintenance target of public interests is for government to directly interfere with security regulation, which is the external reason that leads to the trend of "public right" of self-regulation of security industry. 第二,政府对金融市场的直接干预政策和对公共利益的维护是造成证券业自律管理公权化的外部动因。
At the end of article, we discussed the prevention and intervention policy for the school students with internet addiction a whole. 最后对在校大学生网络成瘾的预防及干预的对策进行了整体讨论。
These conclusions is important for the Optimization of macro-regulation in XinJiang housing market, which can avoid signal policy but use the major intervention policy to core city. 该结论对于优化新疆住宅房地产市场宏观调控具有重要意义,可以在实现稳定住房价格这一整体目标时,重点对核心城市进行政策干预。
Therefore, in order to maintain their economic interests, and promote industrial development, and must rely on some trade intervention policy. 因此,为了维护自身的经济利益,促进本国产业的平稳发展,不可避免的要借助某些贸易干预政策。
Above all, the U.S. foreign intervention policy and practice serve an objective of trying to be leader of world. In fact, this objective possesses attributes of Hegemonism and Power Politics. 总的来说,冷战后美国对外干预的政策与实践都服务于美国谋求世界领袖地位这一目的,在本质上具有霸权主义和强权政治的属性。
Towards Japanese pressing harder and harder and with Japan as "near disaster", the Qing government gradually adjusted the policy toward the Korea. The Qing government started by the "no intervention" policy shift limited "guidance," the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 面对日本的步步紧逼,以日本为近患的清政府逐步调整对朝方针,开始由不介入政策转向有限的引导朝鲜外务。
Effective infection control measure and antimicrobial intervention policy should be conducted in order to control outbreak of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter species. 应加强感染控制和抗菌药物的干预政策,防止泛耐药不动杆菌暴发流行。
As for the hypothesis of signal channel, co-integration analysis is performed on the "signal" that influences the future policy about the foreign currency. Second, curve regression analysis is accomplished on the foreign exchange intervention, policy variables and exchange rate. 信号渠道假设部分,首先对外汇干预师范发出未来货币政策的信号进行协整分析,其次对外汇干预、货币政策变量和汇率进行回归分析。
At the post cold world, America carries out positive foreign intervention policy with resort to its unapproachable national power and international standing. 冷战后美国凭借无可匹敌的国家实力和国际地位更是积极推行对外干预政策。